And after him, came next the chill December:
Yet he through merry feasting which he made,
And great bonfires, did not the cold remember.
Seemingly 16th England’s perception of December doesn’t inherently differ from contemporary one. As Spenser expressed in “The Mask of Mutability” the twelfth month symbolises warmth and familiarity, despite its obvious relation with introducing winter. Our school punctuated this optimistic feature of December and propagated Spenser’s message in actions, particularly these connected with charity.
A culinary celebration of Saint Nicholas Day opened this month. We took advantage of traditions surrounding that holiday and reformulated it to befit the school standards. And thus, our school organised a feast with baked products made by its students. Red head gears with white pompons created a background for this event.
To crown the Christmas season MA Katarzyna Nogły in cooperation with MA Barbara Jasińska wrote an original play inspired by Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol”. Students from our school starred in this production, either musically or thespianly. The play, despite its blatant associations with a 19th book, drew spectators’ attention to prevalent problems eating away the society of today. For instance, it criticised nowadays consumerism which diminishes the intention of Christmas. This play critically presented issues in an unconventional way to provoke profound thought.
December 2022 featured the first of numerous lectures delivered as a part of celebrating the school’s 75th anniversary. Such novelty combines science and Frycz’s community. So generally, the lecturers graduated from our school or regard a topic close to the school and present their knowledge to students. On 21st December Marta Paszko delivered a speech chiefly focusing on winter traditions in Upper Silesia. The very first lecture in such arrangements enriched intellectually masses of students.
December in our school referred to the Spenser’s poem quite literally. After all we organised a merry feasting in order to celebrate Saint Nicholas Day. In honour of Christmas our teachers and students amused the school circle with their play. Finally, December contributed to introducing the events of school’s 75th anniversary.